Borrowers / Buyers

From Start to Finish; we will answer all your questions and concerns about title insurance in Florida, and lead you every step of the way until you close. We handle residential title insurance and property title insurance.
- Whether you are purchasing a new home
- Refinancing your existing home
- With an Attorney
- Without an Attorney
- Lowest fees allowed by law
What does this mean?
- We will explain the title and closing process
- Will hold any escrows required for purchases or refinances
- Explain all costs and fees
- Work with your lender or attorney
- Provide you with a fast and seamless closing
Why Do I Need Title Insurance?
Your home is probably going to be your biggest asset or investment, therefore it must be protected. Title insurance protects against:
- Any hidden title defects
- Forged documents
- Errors
- Misrepresentation
- Clouds on title
What Does a Title Agency Do?
Step One
Title Insurance Agencies begin with a thorough title search through the public records located at the county courthouse. The agency also performs an unrecorded lien search to make sure that municipal taxes, water and sewer fees are current.
Step Two
The agency then takes all their findings and types up a commitment which will show everything that has to be cleared and satisfied to insure a clear title.
Step Three
Once the commitment is prepared, the agency will clear any clouds on title, order any payoffs (such as mortgages, liens or judgements), receive copies of the borrower’s homeowner’s insurance policy, and survey. If the borrower does not have a survey, one will be ordered on their behalf, if the lender requires one.
Step Four
After everything is satisfied, we are ready to close. We will schedule a time for the borrower to sign their documents foreclosing. After all documents are signed, the closing package is reviewed to be sent back to the lender.
Step Five Once all steps have been completed and all documents have been recorded, the agency will then issue the title policy.